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The Secret Is About... 

The secret doesn't reside in knowing which are the 7 keys, but how and when to use them. The methodology we will work on during our retreat will allow you to develop an understanding of how to adapt to the situations and enhance your natural ability to perform. 

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Creating Your Space For Growth 

There is an abundance of psychological research demonstrating that mental downtime is vital for productivity and health. This is directly linked to our ability to take breaks, detach and calm our minds. Gaining insight into our thoughts through reflection is also key to high achievements in all domains.


This insight will create the space to develop our self-awareness, which is associated with a higher job and relationship satisfaction, personal and social control, as well as happiness and better performance.

The Retreat

The Retreat Flow

Friday 28th

Saturday 29th

16:00 - Arrival, check-in & welcome

08:30 - Morning calmness

16:30 - The 7 Secret Keys Intro

09:00 - Introduction to day 2

09:30 - Grounding our roots

17:00 - Understanding your masks

18:30 - Defining your Vision

12:30 - Lunch

20:00 - Dinner

13:30 - The power of letting go

17:00 - Reflection Break

Sunday 30th

08:30 - Morning calmness

09:00 - Introduction to day 3

09:30 - Bringing the Game home

12:30 - Lunch

13:30 - Creating clarity and planning 

16:00 - Retreat wrap-up & closure

18:30 - Fine-tuning your inner compass

19:30 - Dinner

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Moving Towards Your True Goals

By learning to become aware of the situation and strengthen your reflection capabilities will unleash the full potential within each moment.  The retreat is built on understanding and applying each of the following phases: 

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